Core Magazine, 2014

The World Wide Web was created 25 years ago. Celebrate its history with stories on the web, from its birth to the modern day.

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Explore this issue of Core, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the web. Twenty-five years ago this year [2014] marked the first proposal for the World Wide Web, heralding a new era of digital publishing, human networking, pioneering company-building, and unparalleled risk-taking. In four separate articles, Marc Weber takes a detailed look at several overlapping anniversaries in the evolution of our online world including the birth, explosion, financial crash, and rebirth of the web. We also observe the 50th anniversary of the IBM System/360 announcement, with an article by Harvard Business School’s Richard Tedlow. VP of Education Lauren Silver examines the rollout of the new national K–12 Common Core curriculum standards and its connection to the Museum’s education programming. Our long-term software history initiative is in the spotlight with Make Software: Change the World! exhibition updates from VP of Collections and Exhibitions Kirsten Tashev and from Jennifer De La Cruz.


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