SpaceToday NightLife

We are taking CHM Live on the road. Join us at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco for their weekly NightLife program.

As private space companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin have blasted into public consciousness, entrepreneurs and scientists are identifying new industries and business opportunities that could emerge as we get further in space than ever before. Companies are forming around fields like asteroid mining, satellite technology, space tourism and more--and venture capitalists are taking notice.

We are holding two back-to-back conversations on what it’s like to work at a space startup and the business opportunities created by the private space race. First, Planetary Resources CEO Chris Lewicki will discuss asteroid mining and how it could enable future space exploration initiatives. Then, NanoRacks VP of Space Opportunities Ron Goedendorp joins us to discuss how his company is becoming “the operating system of space”. Both conversations will be moderated by The Verge’s Science Editor Elizabeth Lopatto.

For more information about NightLife at the California Academy of Sciences visit their website here.

Click here or on the registration link below to purchase tickets for this event.

Ticket Price: $15 (non-members of Cal Academy)
Ticket Price: $12 (Cal Academy Members Only)

This event will be streamed live on our Facebook page.

Apr 12, 2018
6:00 pm


Computer History Museum
1401 N. Shoreline Boulevard
Mountain View, CA, 94043



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