NOVA Secrets in Your Data

Screening of Clips and Panel Discussion

Watch the program on YouTube here!

Whether you’re on social media or surfing the web, you’re probably sharing more personal data than you realize. That can pose a risk to your privacy—even your safety. At the same time, big datasets could lead to huge advances in fields like medicine. In NOVA's Secrets in Your Data, host Alok Patel explores these issues on a quest to understand what happens to all the data we’re shedding and explores the latest efforts to maximize benefits—without compromising personal privacy.

Join the Computer History Museum for a screening of selected clips from Secrets in Your Data paired with a panel discussion featuring experts from the film.

NOVA's Secrets in Your Data premieres Wednesday May 15 at 9/8c on PBS. Check local listings for details. It will also be available for streaming online and via the PBS video app.


5:30 p.m. PDT

6 p.m. PDT
Member Reception

7 p.m. PDT
Program Begins

8:15 p.m. PDT
Program Ends

Major funding for Secrets in Your Data is provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Additional funding is provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the George D. Smith Fund, Inc.

Funding for NOVA and this program is provided by Carlisle Companies, the NOVA Science Trust (with support from Margaret and Will Hearst and Roger Sant), the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and PBS viewers.

May 16, 2024
7:00 pm

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