Making News

How Tech Shapes Journalism and Society

Watch the program on YouTube here!

Today, journalism, technology, and political polarization are profoundly changing one another—and us. But this is far from the first time these forces have collided. What lessons does history hold? 

Before the rise of the web and social media, cable television introduced a profit-driven news industry with dramatic consequences for the partisan divide. But earlier technological revolutions, from the rise of the postal service to the telegraph, enabled mass communication and changed journalism. With the hindsight of history, we'll explore today's challenges and opportunities. 

Join CHM as we decode technology's continuing impact on news, partisanship, and society.

What You’ll Experience  

  • Explore contemporary concerns and historical context about tech and the news with historians and journalists.
  • Learn more about technology's impacts on journalism and political polarization. 
  • Gain insights into today's journalism and information environment.


6:30 p.m. PDT

7 p.m. PDT
Program Begins

8:15 p.m. PDT
Program Ends

Jun 27, 2024
7:00 pm

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1401 N. Shoreline Blvd
Mountain View, CA, 94043


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