Is AI Racist?

Panel Discussion Featuring Lili Cheng, Charlton McIlwain, Safiya Noble, and Deborah Raji in Conversation with CHM's David C.Brock

Are AI technologies racist, by design, in their data collection, or through the optimization of their functions? Are uses of AI technology racist by application or outcome? Is there racism in the AI community of makers, companies, and funders? Is it possible that AI be used for anti-racist outcomes? This wide-ranging conversation will build on issues raised in the companion screening of award-winning documentary film Coded Bias.

Exploring the question of whether AI is racist, our expert panel will consider both what is being done today about racism in AI, and what could be done in the future from multiple perspectives.


You can catch the full program here and enjoy reading the blog recap here

Apr 20, 2021
11:00 am


Virtual Event



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