Stewart Alsop

Stewart joined NEA in June 1996 as a venture partner focusing in the information technology area. He was named a general partner in 1998. He is currently on the boards of Boingo Wireless, Inc., Full Audio, Inc., Hiwire, Inc., MailFrontier, Inc., NextHop Technologies, Inc., Sorrent, Inc., and Zinio Systems, Inc. Stewart is also a columnist for Fortune magazine. Prior to NEA, Stewart served as Executive Vice President of InfoWorld Publishing Company, Inc. which publishes InfoWorld, a weekly newspaper for information-technology professionals. Stewart also founded Industry Publishing Company, the publisher of a fortnightly newsletter for computer industry insiders and producer of the Agenda and Demo conferences for executives of companies in the computer industry. Before 1985, Stewart served in several executive editorial positions at business and trade magazines, including Inc. Stewart received a Bachelor of Arts in English from Occidental College.


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