Stephen Trimberger is a Xilinx Fellow heading the Circuits and Architectures Group in Xilinx Research Labs in San Jose, California. He was the technical leader for the XC4000 design automation software, developed a dynamically-reconfigurable multi-context FPGA, led the architecture definition group for the Xilinx XC4000X device families and designed the Xilinx bitstream security functions in the Virtex families of FPGAs. He has served as Design Methods Chair for the Design Automation Conference, Program Chair and General Chair for the ACM/SIGDA FPGA Symposium and on the technical programs of numerous Workshops and Symposia. He has published three books and dozens of papers on design automation and FPGA architectures. He has more than 140 patents in IC design, FPGA and ASIC architecture, CAE and cryptography. He is a three-time winner of the Freeman Award, Xilinx's annual award for technical innovation.