Smita worked in high-tech for fifteen years before completing her Multiple Subject Credential. She worked in the Palo Alto Unified School District for the last eleven years, during which she taught fourth and fifth grades in the classroom, and then as the district’s first and only full time Educational Technology Teacher on Special Assignment for five years at Barron Park elementary where she pioneered several programs for the PAUSD. Her two big passions are making sure every student from kindergarten up learns Computer Science and has access to Makerspaces to unleash their creative talents. She started as the Director of Technology and Innovation at Gideon Hausner last month. She is on the board of Silicon Valley CUE, has co-founded EdCampSV and EdCampSVMake, the PAUSD Code Fest, is on the PAUSD’s first K-12 Computer Science Committee, is on the Teacher Advisory Board at the Computer History Museum, is a Raspberry Pi certified educator, served on the California Department of Education’s Computer Science focus group and is now on the newly-formed Computer Science Standards Advisory group for the California Department of Education. She has presented at several conferences locally and around the country and served on a few different panels.