Charlene Li

Charlene Li is an influential thought leader and guide on emerging technologies, with a specific focus on social technologies, interactive media, and marketing. The co-author of the business best-seller, Groundswell: Winning In A World Transformed By Social Technologies, Charlene is about to release her newest book, Open Leadership: How Social Technology Can Transform the Way You Lead (May 2010). Open Leadership addresses the challenges facing leadership of the modern organization–given the dramatic adoption and impact social technologies have had on customer, partner, and employee relationships, how can companies not only manage but thrive in this new open, transparent, authentic world? Named "One of the Most Influential Women in Technology" by Fast Company magazine, Charlene is the founder of Altimeter Group which provides speaking and consulting services to organizations looking to understand and thrive in a new economy driven by social media tools and techniques. You can also read insights from Charlene on her blog, "The Altimeter."

Charlene is one of the most frequently-quoted industry analysts and has appeared on 60 Minutes, The McNeil NewsHour, ABC News, CNN, and CNBC. She is also frequently quoted by The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, USA Today, Reuters, and The Associated Press. She is a much-sought after public speaker and has presented frequently at top technology conferences such as Web 2.0 Expo-where she now serves on their Advisory Board, SXSW, and adTech.

She is a graduate of Harvard Business School and received a magna cum laude degree from Harvard College.


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