Brad Bird is the director of the Academy Award®-winning, film The Incredibles, the latest computer animated comedy-adventure from Pixar Animation Studios. The Incredibles, based upon an original screenplay written by Bird, is about a family of super heroes forced to go under cover and adopt civilian identities.
Prior to joining Pixar, Bird wrote and directed the critically acclaimed 1999 animated feature, The Iron Giant, which won the International Animated Film Society’s Annie Award for Outstanding Achievement in an Animated Theatrical Feature.
Bird began his first animated film at the age of 11, and finished it nearly three years later. The film brought him to the attention of The Walt Disney Studios where, at age 14, he was mentored by Milt Kahl, one of a distinguished group of Disney’s legendary animators known as the “Nine Old Men.” Bird eventually worked as an animator at Disney and other studios.
Bird’s credits include acting as executive consultant on The Simpsons, the longest running and most celebrated animated television series of all time, and King of the Hill. He also created, wrote, directed and co-produced the Family Dog episode of Steven Spielberg’s Amazing Stories, and co-wrote the screenplay for the live-action feature *batteries not included.