Adele Goldberg

Deputy Chair, Science Advisory Board, Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies

Adele Goldberg is a computer scientist who did early and important work in object-oriented programming. She is currently the deputy chair of the Science Advisory Board for HITS (Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies) in Heidelberg, Germany. At Xerox PARC, she codeveloped the Smalltalk programming language with colleagues Dan Ingalls and Alan Kay. She also managed the Systems Concepts Laboratory, which became ground zero for graphical user interface (GUI) concepts behind the Windows and Mac operating systems. Goldberg was one of the founders of ParcPlace Systems, a company that delivered development tools and professional training for creating Smalltalk-based enterprise applications, and served as its chairwoman and CEO. She later cofounded Neometron, a consultancy pursuing new approaches to remote work group support, and AgileMind, a provider of internet and classroom-based support for K-12 teachers and students. Goldberg served as president of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).


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