UK Computer Conservation & the Rebuild of Colossus: WWII Codebreaking Computer

Tony Sale will discuss his work in rebuilding the wartime Colossus code-breaking computer and the development of the Museums at Bletchley Park to present to the public its outstanding code breaking technologies. He will also address the importance of computer conservation and restoration activities in the United Kingdom.

SPECIAL INVITATION: Computer History Museum offers you the opportunity to participate in a special Members-Only event and pre-reception with our 1620 restoration team, just before the lecture by Tony Sale.

If you are not already a member, this is a great time to consider becoming a supporter of the Museum. Help preserve the history of computing. Help safeguard the artifacts and stories of the information age. Help sustain the lecture program you have enjoyed over the years.

In addition, all members receive our quarterly publication, CORE, as well as invitations to other special events and access to our extensive library and other research resources. It’s easy!


Oct 21, 2000
6:00 pm

Add to Calendar 10/21/2000 6:00 pm America/Los_Angeles UK Computer Conservation & the Rebuild of Colossus: WWII Codebreaking Computer NASA Ames Main Auditorium, Building 201 Moffett Federal Airfield Mountain View, CA, United States

NASA Ames Main Auditorium, Building 201
Moffett Federal Airfield
Mountain View, CA,



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