Ninja Innovation and Startup Culture

Fresh from his command performance at CES 2014, Consumer Electronics Association President and CEO Gary Shapiro joins moderator and tech evangelist Robert Scoble in a wide-ranging conversation about Gary’s New York Times bestseller, Ninja Innovation: The Ten Killer Strategies of the World's Most Successful Businesses.

Ninja Innovator [ˈninjə ˈinəˌvātər] noun
Leaders who exhibit the traits of ancient Japanese warriors: they are disciplined, determined and passionate, and willing to take risks in order to succeed. Above all, modern Ninja Innovators understand that in today’s technology world, a successful startup must innovate or die!

In three decades leading the Consumer Electronics Association, Gary and his team have built CES into the must-see technology event of the year each January. In the meantime, he has learned important lessons about “ninja innovation”—disruption, determination, discipline and passion. In his book, he distills many of these lessons into important principles that work in any business setting. Many of those principles were on display this year when CES again featured startups and entrepreneurs at their "Eureka Park Tech Zone" -- now in its third year and growing exponentially.

In the latest in our “Future History Makers series,” Gary will share his knowledge and describe key emerging trends that are helping direct startup “ninja innovation” in this competitive landscape.

Come discover how you can find and develop your inner ninja!

Feb 20, 2014
7:00 pm

Add to Calendar 02/20/2014 7:00 pm America/Los_Angeles Ninja Innovation and Startup Culture Computer History Museum 1401 N. Shoreline Boulevard Mountain View, CA, 94043 United States

Computer History Museum
1401 N. Shoreline Boulevard
Mountain View, CA, 94043



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