2001: HAL's Legacy A documentary film by David Stork

01: HAL's Legacy. Meet the film's creator, David Stork, and see a pre-broadcast screening of his 90-minute documentary. This fascinating film moves between clips from 01: A Space Odyssey, leading research labs, and interviews with Arthur C. Clarke, Marvin Minsky, Gordon Moore, Rodney Brooks, Larry Smarr, Daniel Dennett, Raymond Kurzweil , Doug Lenat, and more. These contributors to HAL's Legacy have given us more than a scorecard for the film and novel. They have shown the reasons for the way things developed -- and may continue to develop -- to 2001 and beyond.

The film was produced by the InCA and funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. A shortened version airs nationwide on PBS television Tuesday, November 27 at 11 pm in all US time zone.


Nov 20, 2001
6:00 pm

Add to Calendar 11/20/2001 6:00 pm America/Los_Angeles 2001: HAL’s Legacy A documentary film by David Stork Gates Information Sciences Building Auditorium: Room B1, Basement level. 353 Serra Street Palo Alto, CA, 94305 United States

Gates Information Sciences Building
Auditorium: Room B1, Basement level.
353 Serra Street
Palo Alto, CA, 94305



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