Design the Future Instructions by Grade

Grades 3–5

  • If a student is having a hard time coming up with an idea, the parent/teacher should talk them through the process of picking an idea they might want to work on. 
  • When the group is ready with their idea, have them show you the picture and explain to you what they want to make and what it will do. Make sure they have a clear idea before you approve their design.
  • Provide household/craft materials to help students build their product prototypes. 

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Grades 6–8

  • Spend a few minutes discussing some of the things students observed on the virtual gallery tour—what designs stood out, what were positive examples of an effective product, what didn’t work and why?
  • Then help them get into designing their own computer. Remind them that they will present their product on paper (paper prototype1), so they should think about how best to share their ideas with others. 
  • Also, remind them that they are working as a group—they are a team, a company, working to create a new product. Each person should contribute ideas and they should listen to all the ideas and see if they can incorporate them. 

Use the questions below to help develop and design the final product: 

  1. What is unique about your target population? What special circumstances, or challenges do they face? 
  2. What specific needs or problems would you like your product to address?
  3. What would your product need to do or have, to meet the needs of your target population?

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Grades 9–12

  • Remind the students that they will be selecting a final idea for their product and then designing it on paper (paper prototype1) and planning their presentation. 
  • Encourage all students to participate, and help guide student thinking if they seem stuck. 

Use the questions below to help develop and design the final product: 

  1. What is unique about your target population? What special circumstances, or challenges do they face? 
  2. What specific needs or problems would you like your product to address?
  3. How have other products or people attempted to address these problems? How were these attempts successful? How were they not?  
  4. What are some ways that your product could help address those needs or problems?
  5. What would your product need to do or have to meet the needs of your target population?
  6. What would your product need to have to appeal to your target population?

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