Annual Fund Donors

Just as magnetic-core memory was the heart of early computers, CHM’s Core donors are the heart of our organization. Core donors provide the largest source of support for our Annual Fund, which in turn provides flexible resources to support immediate needs including collections, live programming, and educational programs.

This listing recognizes the generosity of Core donors who made gifts to the Annual Fund between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024. Giving levels are inspired by the standard binary sizes of computer memory.

*CHM Board of Trustees

Core Circle


Scott Cook and Signe Ostby
John and Ann Doerr
Donna Dubinsky and Len Shustek
First Tech Federal Credit Union
Gardner C. Hendrie*
Dave L. House*, House Family Foundation
Intuit Inc.
Meredith and Ray Rothrock*
Christopher* and Nina Wanstrath
Anthony and Susan Wood


Aart de Geus and Esther John
Tom* and Carolyn Friel
Neil* and Kristie MacDonald
Chris and Melody Malachowsky
Scott Sandell
Eric and Wendy Schmidt
Stephen S.* and Paula K. Smith
Raymie Stata


Anne Bertaud-Peuto
Ron and Penny Blake
Margo and Bill Harding*
Urs Hölzle and Geeske Joel
Regis and Dianne McKenna
Geoff and Andrea Ralston
Duane Sand
Grant* and Dorrit Saviers
Rich Seifert
Larry Sonsini*
Edward and Pamela Taft

Core Club


Whitney Ames*
Ginny and Greg*
Ned and Jimi Barnholt
Jack and Casey Carsten
Stephen and Karen Casner
The Draper Foundation
Judy L. Estrin
Eileen Fagan*
Nahum E. Guzik
Elaine and Eric Hahn
Dotty and Terry Hayes
Hitz Foundation
Mark Horowitz
Thomas Kornei
Bill and Gay Krause
The Jean and E. Floyd Kvamme Foundation
Gary and Laura Lauder
Needham and Litzler Charities Fund
Maria Martinez*
McMurtry Family Foundation
Jim and Becky Morgan
Cristina M. Morgan
Gary and Eileen Morgenthaler
Greg* and Laurie Papadopoulos
Arthur and Toni Rembe Rock


Chitra Balasubramanian* and Sunil V. Rajaraman
Sheila and John Banning
Craig and Barbara Barrett Foundation
Luc O. and Irène I. Bauer
Allen Baum and Donya White
Eric A. Brewer
Gene P. and Patricia Carter
Paul R. Daugherty*
William and Sonja Davidow
Robert E. Davoli and Eileen L. McDonagh
Eli and Britt Harari
Marcian and Judith Hoff
Joan and Irwin Jacobs
Ellen Jamieson
Peter* and Beth Karpas
Rudi Katz
Alan and Jill Knapp
Thomas E. Kurtz
Harvey Lehtman
Dan'l Lewin
The Long Family Charitable Foundation
Wade Loo* and Chisato Tomotsune
Linda and Mike Markkula
David* and Roben Martin
Katherine and Robert Maxfield
Lore Harp McGovern*
Sofia Milner and Jan J. Laskowski
Rich* and Susan Redelfs
Dave Rossetti* and Jan Avent
Simon and Rachel Segars
Diane L. Souvaine*
Robert and Lee Sproull
John and Gail Squires
Thomas Stoiber
Paul Winalski
Wade and Brenda Woodson
Sandy Wu and Shioupyn Shen
David Yarnold*


Eric and Sue Baelen
John and Maggie Best
Alex and Olena Burnos
Jarred and Amy Capellman
Richard and Virginia Case
Gabriel Clothier
Lynn and Bill Crane
Charles S. Cronce and Deborah C. Maxwell
Andrea Cunningham* and Rand Siegfried
Peter and Kate Daly
Jean Elliott and Bob Williams
Samuel H. and Carol W. Fuller
David and Jennifer Gillespie
Cindy Harris
John and Andrea Hennessy
Curtis A. Jones and Lucille M. Boone
Derry and Charlene Kabcenell
Robert Kahn and Patrice Lyons
Hyojin Kim
James and Katherine Lau
Lewis Lee*
Mark and Debra Leslie
Loewenstern Fund
Rosemarie and Dale Luck
The McElwee Family
Mendelsohn Family Fund
Avram Miller Family Foundation
Dean O. Morton
Nancy S. Mueller
Bob Murching
The Nachtsheim Family Foundation
Ike* and Ronee Nassi
Randy and Chris Nelson
Jason and Nicole Nemeth
Donald and Helen Nielson
The Pond Family
David Ramsey
Kanwal S. Rekhi
Maryanna Saenko*
Jean Shuler
Steven J. Sinofsky
Walter and Karla Goldschmidt Foundation
Erin Teague*
Bill and Sue Worthington


Latif Alam
Al and Katie Alcorn
ID and RE Allan
Eric Allman and Kirk McKusick
David L. Anderson
Erna Arnesen
Mary Artibee and Milt Mallory
Molly and Rick Bahr
Janet and Christopher Bajorek
Paul and Debbie Baker
Alexander Barna
Forest and Kathy Baskett
Brian Berg and Joyce Avery
Dileep Bhandarkar
Nancy Blachman and David desJardins
Janie Boone
Michael Botlo
danah boyd*
M. Helen Bradley and Steve Kleiman
Michael and Leslie Braun
Leo Breukbes and Leonid Broukhis
Nathan Brookwood and Patricia Hendriks
William Carrico
Satjiv Chahil
Chih-hung Cheng
The Cismas Foundation
Jeff and Bernadette Clavier
George Cogan and Fannie Allen
Cohan-Jacobs Family Fund
John and Norma Crawford
Peter O. Crisp
Wynne and John Dobyns
Drexler Estate Fund
Raymond Duncan
Eric and Susan Dunn
Josephine and Henri Dyner
David Elliott
David* and Han Emerson
Garrett Farwell
Irwin and Concepcion Federman
Guy C. Fedorkow
Jim, Kenna, and Celeste Fenton
William Ferry
Robert Frankston
Tineke Graafland-Ehrman
David B. and Deanna L. Gustavson
Rob and Yukari Haitani
Patrick Hanrahan
Douglas and Rosemary Herda
Bertha Higa-Baral
Marc Hopkins
Joseph Hurd*
Brendan Ittelson
Emily and George Jaquette
John and Jacque Jarve
Suzanne Johnson
Kris and Shelly Kafka
Ray and Laurel Kaleda
Herbert and Lee Kanner
Pierre Keeley
Larry and Patti Kenyon
Leonard and Stella Kleinrock
Donald and Jill Knuth
Tom Kopec and Leah Carneiro
Murray Kucherawy
Michael and Michelle Kwatinetz
Bernard Lacroute
Pierre and Christine Lamond
Leslie Lamport
Lev and Galina Leytes
John and Marion Lowrance
Kevin Lynch
Thomas Lyon and JoAnn Kahn
Amy and Benny Madsen
May Family Foundation
Michael and Kim McGivern
Richard Mead
Michelle M. Mertz
Martha Mertz
Norm Meyrowitz
Mooring Family Foundation
Jane and Malachy Moynihan
Felix Ng
Ronald and Jennifer Nicholson
Duane Northcutt and Monica Lam
Sameer Padala
Paul and Joanne Pierce
Eric Pizarro
Orville Plum
William Pollock
Donald* and Victoria Proctor
Raikes Foundation
Richard Rashid
Glenn Ricart and Patricia Guenther
Tim and Lisa Robinson
In Memory of David M. Roisman
Mark Roos and Catherine Rossi-Roos
Peter and Valerie Samson
Richard Sites and Lucey Bowen
Anne-Marie Slaughter
Stephen L. Smith and Diana T. Go
Greg Stikeleather
Gordon and Valori Stitt
Jim and Bea Strickland
Bob and Martha Supnik
Sue Talley
Kirill Tatarinov
Andy Thanos
TL Trust
Angela Tran*
Jeanie Nieri Treichel
Steve and Laura Trimberger
Jan and Sylvia Uddenfeldt
Marc and Lori Verdiell
Eric Vitiello
Michael Ward and Karen Schaffer
Andrew Watterson
Warren and Carol Ann Weiss
Peter and Deborah Wexler
Al Whaley
Donald Whittemore
Curtis Widdoes Jr.
Lawrence Yang and Jennifer Kuan
Warren Yogi
John Zeisler and Jennifer Bailey


Paul Anagnostopoulos
Tom Becker and Patricia Parsons
Robin Beresford and Robert Garner
Alun Bermingham
Peter Capek
Alison Chaiken
Elaine Chapin and Michael Fitzsimmons
Bud and Rebecca Colligan
Jerome Coonen
Ray and Lori Kulvin Crawford
Philp S. and Elayne R. Dauber
Peter and Dorothy Denning
Lloyd and Eleanor Dickman
Daniel Drake
Martin and Carolyn Eberhard
Joe Eykholt
Philip Freidin
Geri Hadley and Ron Cote
Janet Handley*
Professor Martin Edward Hellman and Dorothie Lorene Hellman
Richard Hill
Fahad Al Kaabi
Rohit Khare and Smruti Vidwans
K R Kishore
Charles and Cary Kissner
Eric and Angela Korpela
Kevin Kranzusch
Richard Levin
Jimmy Lin
John Markoff and Leslie Terzian Markoff
Christina and Harry McKinney
Mark G. Merrill
Joaquin Miller
Robert and Jane Morse
Benjamin Nied
Niemasik Kaufman Family Fund
Daniel Osers and Dana Blenkin
George and Angeliki Perlegos
Bradley Platz
Raj and Anu Reddy
Jean Richardson
John and Anne Rollins
Mr. Mark Rustad
Constantine Sapuntzakis
Allan Schiffman and Phyllis Ooi
Benn Schreiber and Liz Hunt
Karen Shannon
James Shibley
Anthony Shortland
Thomas Skibo
Ben Smith
Trevor Streiber
Jon ten Oever
Jim and Julia Vandermade
Andrew W. Verhalen and Janet L. Brownstone
Kyle G. Welch
Eric Werme
Paul and Gail Wesling
Nancy Wheeler
Randy Wigginton
Steven Winegarden
Chuck Worley and Mary Jo Sullivan Worley
William Yeager
John and Brenda Yeaton
Laurie Yoler and Ben LeNail
John Zasio
Jamie Zawinski
Robert Zeiher


Andrew Adams
Pierdamiano Airoldi
Jeffrey Altman and Sara Jordan
Ed Anuff
Mr. Bruce Artwick
David Augsburger
Eric Barbour
George Bateman
Bob Baxley
Dave Bennet
Eric M. Berg
Nancy and Charles Boesenberg
Rob Borek
Daniel S. Bricklin
Atul Butte
Edward Castle
Paul Coad
Lynn and David Conroy
Robert A. Cook
George Crow
Marie Damico
Glen Dayton
Jeffrey DeAngelis
Gary S. Delp
John and Gayle Dilley
Dave Drach
Kevin Driscoll
Kenneth Eddings
Marilynne Elverson
Mary Jo and Harold V. Feeney, Jr.
Joseph Feng
Philip Fleschler
Suzanne Fortman
James Fruchterman
Bill Gage
Thomas Gardner
Bruce Gee
Steve Golson
Mauricio Gomez Aguinaga
James Gosling and Judith Borcz
Charles Gousha
Louis Gray
Don and Susan Hanson
Mark Hastings
Peter Hirshberg
Jim Holtman
Afzal Hossain and Nasima Parveen
Stephen and Colleen Hudgens
Dr. John Impagliazzo
Scott and Susan Jackson
William and Yvonne Jacobson
David Kalish
Daniel Keogan
Anne Kikoshima
Kim King
Robert Klein
Charles Kline
Ketan and Sheila Kothari
Michael Lampe
Robert Lashley
Gary Lauterbach
EJ Lawless
John Lawrence
Nathan Lawrence
Ellen Layendecker
Trudy Levy and Mike Gutman
Greg Linden
Scotty Logan
Einar Lorentzen
Steve Lurya
Joseph Lynch
Jared Mahoney
Donald and Barbara Mattson
Timothy McLeod
Tom McMahon
Richard Miller
Scott and Marjorie Moon
Ricardo Motta
Hal Murray
Kathryn M. Neri
Donald North
David Novak
Erik Olson
Mary Ellen and Eric Petrich
Bill and Susan Poduska
Heidi Quicksilver
Andris and Betty Ramans
David Readerman
King and Gwen Rhoton
Thomas Rindfleisch
Curtis Roads
Michael M. and Lenore L. Roberts
Scott C. Roberts
David and Karla Robson
Luis Rocha
Paul Rosenbloom
Jean-Claude Roy
Mehran Sahami
John and Christine Sanguinetti
Kay Savetz
PB Schechter
Sam Schillace
William Scull and Catherine Povejsil
John Scull
Gary Shapiro
Don Siegfriedt
Alan Smith
Barry Smith
Lawrence Snapp
John Sopka
Bob and Ann Stephens
William Stubkjaer
Kevin Surace
Carina and Randy Sweet
Kirsten and Todor Tashev
Betty Taylor
Sami Tolvanen
Leonard and Preeva Tramiel
John Treichler and Sally Wood
Jacob Tsao
Steve Ursenbach
Ari Weinstein
Paul Weinstein
Philipp Wetzler
Jeff Williams
Rachel and Jon Wilner
Helen and Dan Wolf
Bill Yundt
Paul Zander

*CHM Board of Trustees

For More Information

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