Claude Leglise is the co-founder of ClearSpot Energy, Inc., a solar electricity services start-up company targeting large scale commercial users of power.
Leglise combines extensive global venture investing experience with a long track record in technology marketing and general management. He was most recently Managing Director of the WI Harper Group, a Chinese-American venture capital firm. Prior to that, he was Vice President of Intel Capital, where he was responsible for making over 150 equity investments in 25 countries.
In 1982, Leglise started his Intel career in marketing for the Microprocessor Division, where he launched Intel's first 32-bit microprocessor, the 386, and pioneered the branding of microprocessors.
Leglise spent 12 years in general management positions, first leading the design and marketing of the world’s first million-transistor microprocessor, the i860. He started Intel’s collaboration with the software industry and managed the growth of the Developer Relations Group from 2 to over 300 software engineers. As VP of the Home Products Group, he built a $125M consumer business and served on Intel’s Executive Staff.
Leglise is a member of the Board of Directors of Laszlo Systems, the leading open source platform for building and deploying Web 2.0 applications.
Leglise received a master's degree in Electrical Engineering from École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers, in Paris, France, and an MBA from Stanford University in Palo Alto, California.