The HAL 9000 Computer and the Vision of 2001

2001: A Space Odyssey, Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke's 1968 epic film about space exploration and the evolution of intelligence, was the most carefully researched and scientifically precise feature film ever made. Now, in its namesake year, we can compare the film's computer science visions with current technological fact -- in particular those related to its central character, the HAL 9000 computer, which could speak, reason, see, play chess, plan and express emotions.

In some domains reality has surpassed the vision in the film: computer chess, computer hardware, and graphics. In numerous others, reality has fallen far short: computer speech, language, vision, lip-reading, planning, and common sense. The film missed some trends entirely: the film showed no laptops or PDAs and HAL as large as a school bus but in reality computers instead got small. As such, the film provides a remarkable perspective on the sweep of developments in the modern era of computer technology.

This non-technical talk is profusely illustrated with clips from 2001 and current research and sheds new light on key moments of the film. You will never see the film the same way again.

Feb 06, 2001
6:00 pm

Add to Calendar 02/06/2001 6:00 pm America/Los_Angeles The HAL 9000 Computer and the Vision of 2001 Moffett Training and Conference Center (Building 3), Moffett Federal Airfield Mountain View, CA, United States

Moffett Training and Conference Center (Building 3),
Moffett Federal Airfield
Mountain View, CA,



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