The Internet: 21st Century Tidal Wave

Vint Cerf will place the Internet in perspective for the 21st Century, discussing its current scale and growth rates, the new applications it is being adapted to support, the appearance of Internet-enabled appliances, and the need for a new version of Internet Protocol to allow the Net to grow well beyond its current size. In addition, Cerf will outline the Interplanetary Internet effort now underway at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.


Apr 18, 2001
6:00 pm

Add to Calendar 04/18/2001 6:00 pm America/Los_Angeles The Internet: 21st Century Tidal Wave NASA Ames Main Auditorium (Building 201) Moffett Federal Airfield Mountain View, CA, United States

NASA Ames Main Auditorium (Building 201)
Moffett Federal Airfield
Mountain View, CA,



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