AI 2041

Kai-Fu Lee Explores Stories of Our Collective Future

How will artificial intelligence change our world within twenty years? Leading AI expert Kai-Fu Lee and novelist Chen Qiufan joined forces to create ten science fiction stories that show how AI might shape our lives.

All set in 2041, the stories span the globe, including:

  • In San Francisco, a new industry, “job reallocation,” arises to serve displaced workers and calls into question the nature of what work might be in the AI future.
  • In Tokyo, a music fan is swept up in an immersive form of celebrity worship with her idol’s “ghost” brought back to life through AI and VR.
  • In Munich, a rogue quantum computer scientist imperils the world with his revenge plot with AI-enabled autonomous weapons.

This set of stories brings to life how AI might revolutionize education through human-machine symbiosis, create new forms of communication and entertainment, challenge the organizing principles of our economic and social order, and bring new risks in the form of autonomous weapons and smart technology.

Join us as Kai-Fu Lee draws from his newest book, AI 2041: Ten Visions For Our Future, to make predictions and share insights into our collective future—and how humankind remains the author of its destiny.


You can catch the full program here and enjoy reading the blog recap here.

Oct 07, 2021
7:00 pm

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Add to Calendar 10/07/2021 7:00 pm America/Los_Angeles AI 2041 Kai-Fu Lee Explores Stories of Our Collective Future Virtual Event

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