Oberheim, Tom (Thomas Elroy) oral historyCatalog Number
In this oral history interivew, Tom discusses his childhood, growing up in Manhattan, Kansas, where he developed in interest in electronics by repairing and building hi-fi components for his friends. He then talks about relocating to Los Angeles, becoming a computer engineer, and beginning school at UCLA where he started taking music courses in addition to his computer engineering classes. Thanks to this combination, he was eventually asked to build a ring modulator, which eventually led him down the path of starting his own business: Oberheim Electronics. Tom then discusses his company, their products, and his re-emergence in the field in the 21st century.Made at Dolby Laboratories, Inc.
Bochannek, Alex, Interviewer |
Dennis, Eric, Videographer |
Oberheim, Thomas E., Interviewee |
Plutte, Jon, Director |
Radzik, Gene, Interviewer |