MINSK-2 Logic PC BoardCatalog Number
Still ImageDescription
B&W image of MINSK-2 PC BoardMetadata: " USSR Government, MINSK-2 Logic PC Board. In 1952 the MINSK-2 was one of the most heavily used general-purpose computers in Russia. More than 2,000 of these computers and their derivatives were built between 1951 and 1976. Each computer had a set of 107 two-address instructions and a word length of 37 bits. their computing speed was 5,000 instrucions per second and a floating-point addition took 72 microseconds. The main menory on the MINSK-2 was on ferrite cores, with either 4,000 or 8,000 words and secondary memory was on magnetic tapes."
Circa 1962Identifying Numbers
Other number | 207825 | Recto on Board |
Other number | P1839 | Verso pencil |