Artifact Details


Timesharing and Remote Processing Services Meeting Session #2: Formation of TS/RPS Companies

Catalog Number





The participants described the business opportunities seen by a number of entrepreneurs as a result of the development of technological capabilities for timesharing and remote processing services and the companies that were started to exploit these new computing paradigms. Each of the pioneers described how their company was formed and their initial business and technology vision. Topics covered include:

• The technology that they started with
• The markets they expected to serve
• The founders and key business and technical participants
• The platforms they selected and why
• Where the initial financing came from
• Their most serious obstacles and how were they overcome

The timeline for when each company represented was formed and early key events was constructed including filling in information for those significant companies not represented at the meeting.




Bayles, Dick, participant
Belvin, Frank, participant
Brook, Chris, participant
Crandall, Rick, participant
Grad, Burt, moderator
Haigh, Thomas, historian
Hardy, Ann, participant
Humphries, Mike, participant
Jerger, Doug, SI SIG member
Johnson, Luanne, SI SIG member; editor
LaHay, Edward, SI SIG member
Lowenstein, Dick, participant
McDonald, Chris, historian
McJones, Paul, participant
Myers, Gary, participant
Rawlings, Nicholas, participant
Ross, Kenneth, participant
Schmidt, Dave, participant
Stein, Jeffery, participant
Wyman, Mike, participant


Computer History Museum

Place of Publication

Mountain View, CA, USA

Copyright Holder

Computer History Museum




Cambridge Scientific Center; CDC 6600 (Computer); Comshare; Control Data Corporation (CDC); Cybernet; Data Net 30; DEC PDP-11; Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC); Feeney, George; Gal, Joe; GE 435 (computer); GE 635 (computer); General Electric Information Services (GEIS); GE Mark I, II, III; Guise, Robert; IBM Control Program/Cambridge Monitor System (CP/CMS); IBM System/360 Model 67 (S/360-67); IBM System 370; IBM Time Sharing Option (TSO); Infonet; Interactive Data Corporation; Keydata; Multics; National CSS; On-Line Business Systems; QUIKTRAN; Rapidata; Remote Job Entry (RJE); Ross Systems; Scientific Data Systems (SDS); SDS 940 (Computer); Service Bureau Corporation (SBC); timesharing; Tymshare; University Computing Corporation (UCC); WYLBUR; ADAPSO; Allen-Babcock; Arnow, Jack; Bernard, Bob

Collection Title

Oral history collection


Software Industry Special Interest Group

Lot Number
