This is a black and white image of two processors from Intel against a marble background. The processor chip on the left side of the image is the i386 used in IBM compatible PCs during the mid 1980s. Stamped on the chip is the Intel logo with "i386 80386DX-33 (M) (C)i '85". The processor chip the right side of the image is stamped with the Intel logo and "i486 A80486-25 (M) (C)Intel '89". Below the image is the caption "The 33 MHz 386DX microprocessor provides 25 times the performance of the original IBM* PC, while the 25 MHz i486 microprocessor provides 50 times the original PC's performance. *IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corp." Light is coming from above the chips. Written in pencil on verso side is "P3248"