Black and white image of John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain and William Shockley at the Murray Hill, New Jersey Bell Telephone Laboratory. Verso Bell Labs label from duplicate photograph accession number 102627222 (not affixed to this copy): "Subject: ELECTRONICS Transistors Transistor Invention. Number: B4828/0-30 color C. 21.5-10. Source: Photo Files. Place Photographed: Murray Hill, New Jersey. Date Taken: 1948. Background Information: (1948) With this apparatus at Bell Telephone Laboratories, some of the first investigations leading to the discovery of the Transistor were made. Seated is Dr. William Shockley, who initiated and directed the Laboratories' Transistor research program. Standing are Dr. John Bardeen, left,. and Dr. Walter H. Brattain, key scientists in bringing the invention to reality. The Transistor potentialities are such that Bell scientists and engineers expect it may have far-reaching significance in the field of electronics and electrical communication. It has been shown to produce amplification as high as 100 to 1 (20 decibels). Some test models have been operated as amplifiers at frequencies up to ten million cycles per second. Persons shown: BARDEEN, John, BRATTAIN, Walter H., SHOCKLEY, William. Original: (B/W and Color vertical boxes checked. Negative: (35 mm and 4 x 5 boxed checked). Transparency (other 8 x 10 box checked)." Verso numbers P3201. Verso notation in black marker "The Computer Museum " verso upper right corner. Verso lower right corner in blue ballpoint pen: "Bardeen, Brattain ("ain" added later in black pen), Shockley.